Capsule Endoscopy – diving into the GUT

Thursday, May 23, 2024
18:00-19:00 h, (CEST)


  • Indication & contraindication
  • The informed patient – how to be prepared for capsule endoscopy
  • Logistics in the endoscopy department
  • Advantages & Limitations of different systems
  • When the norm is not the norm – Tips & tricks in use, Possible complications, their avoidance or management of complications
  • Equipment Failure – understanding certain fault indicators
  • Evaluation the results – how to read the capsule – essentials & differences
  • Who does what – advanced roles of nurses in Capsule Endoscopy
  • Courses on Capsule endoscopy – Content, organisation, etc

Speaker & Moderators:

  • Joseph Garzia, Malta
  • Arianna Parrella, Italy
  • Ulrike Beilenhoff, Germany

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